Sunday, May 24, 2015

Thoughts about the Holy Father’s call for a two-state system in Israel

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” (Matthew 5:9)

The Holy Father, who asked for a two-state system in Israel, searching for ways to find peace. With God’s grace it may work, but with man’s lack of cooperation, will never happen. The Church, even when speaking out for peace, suggesting a political move, calling for cooperation of man, the Church is above politics and not a slave to any man, man’s ideology, or government. It only wills the will of God. 
When the Holy Father proposed the idea of a two-party system in Israel, he was not pandering to any political or national side; he was not putting any person or people above one another, demanding or requiring, but searching for a way to find peace. With the Holy Spirit, wars can be averted, evil overcome, hopeless situations transformed into fruitful results. With tactics of mankind, ideologies of humanity, lack of faith and prudence of the world, peace can only be achieved through likely means. The world forgets one thing, as it turns away from God on a seemingly daily basis, that With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26): something which mankind needs to learn.

Regarding mankind’s logic and ways of the world, Mother Teresa would not have fed the world or comfort global suffering. When she was in Lebanon during its civil war in the early 1980’s, and the fighting was fierce, she was told of handicapped children who were trapped between the lines. She confidently told the United Nation representatives who were escorting her and her sisters into the area that on a certain liturgical day on the Church’s calendar soon to happen, the fighting will cease for 24 hours. They told her that peace was far from being reached and both sides were committed to fighting. On the liturgical day prophesied by Mother Teresa fighting stopped due to a cease fire, allowing Mother Teresa and her entourage to enter the war stricken area, collect all the children, then exited the area to safety. The United Nation representatives were astonished at her prophesy.

Regarding the Holy Father, he is operating on a logic far superior to man’s logic, for he is guided by the Holy Spirit. On behalf of the Church and her faithful, and to world peace and salvation, he is committed to God’s will over man’s will. So if he is suggesting something radical, perhaps something that seems impossible, I am more likely to support him than any plan or strategy from any government, or opinion from any people of any given society. Before being patriotic to my country, or any other country, I am orthodox to the Seat of Peter first and foremost. All worldly governments, including my own, fall into their proper place after my allegiance to the Holy Father in Rome. God comes before man, as I have taught my grand kids, “God before all things, even themselves.”